Exercise: gcd recur
The greatest common divisor of two positive integers is the largest integer that divides each of them without remainder.
gcd(6, 12) = 6
A clever mathematical trick (due to Euclid) makes it easy to find greatest common divisors. Suppose thata
are two positive integers:
If b = 0, then the answer is a
Otherwise, gcd(a, b) is the same as gcd(b, a % b)
function gcd(a, b)
if b = 0
return a;
return gcd(b, a mod b);
Exercise: is in
Use the idea of bisection search to determine if a character is in a string, so long as the string is sorted in alphabetical order.
问题 :python3中testchar = aStr[int(len(aStr)/2)] 里面如果没有int,则输出不是integer。Python2则可以。
def isIn(char, aStr):
testchar = " "
while testchar != char:
if len(aStr)==0 or len(aStr)==1 :
if char == aStr:
return True
return False
elif len(aStr)>1 and len(aStr)%2 == 0:
testchar = aStr[int(len(aStr)/2)]
print (int(len(aStr)/2))
print (testchar)
if testchar == char:
return True
elif testchar < char:
return isIn(char, aStr[int(len(aStr)/2+1):])
return isIn(char, aStr[0:int(len(aStr)/2)])
elif len(aStr)>1 and len(aStr)%2 == 1:
testchar = aStr[int((len(aStr)-1)/2)]
print (int((len(aStr)-1)/2))
print (testchar)
if testchar == char:
return True
elif testchar < char:
return isIn(char, aStr[int((len(aStr)-1)/2+1):])
return isIn(char, aStr[0:int((len(aStr)-1)/2)])